Can you be more specific as to EXACTLY WHEN, IN 2018? That's soooo broad.
I mean, I'd really like to convert at the last-minute, if possible, and don't want to join up too early: time IS money, right?
<!-- @page { margin: 0.79in } p { margin-bottom: 0.08in } a:link { so-language: zxx } --> hi everyone:.
i am armageddon messenger, the one that jesus said he would send to tell "you" the things coming.-john 16:12-14. .
as it should be expected, the governing body of jw's are not willing and will not accept me as a "prophet" because according to them, jehovah only communicates trough them.... .
Can you be more specific as to EXACTLY WHEN, IN 2018? That's soooo broad.
I mean, I'd really like to convert at the last-minute, if possible, and don't want to join up too early: time IS money, right?
(copy and paste the link into your browser).
there's a very fascinating video on youtube called, "the history of the devil", which shows how the depiction of satan (and traits) has changed over the centuries; the satan character is a mirror, reflecting the current popular concept of evil that exists at any given time.
Hi all,
(copy and paste the link into your browser)
There's a very fascinating video on YouTube called, "The History of the Devil", which shows how the depiction of Satan (and traits) has changed over the centuries; the Satan character is a mirror, reflecting the current popular concept of evil that exists at any given time. That ALONE should be a huge hint that he exists in people's minds, only, a reflection of their deepest fears.
See how many similarities you can spot to JW's, whether belief in the supernatural, scape-goating, needing to find someone to blame, interrogation during inquisition, etc.
Watch, and be VERY THANKFUL you have shaken off the chains of ancient superstitions and fears that actually have caused much more misery and evil during human existence, all in the name of baseless fears.
And remember: JWs actually BELIEVE in this character, and live their lives in fear of him, praying for protection from him to the "good guy".
these are the exact words from the mouth of a 7 year old boy to his father , namely me (the father).
yes i am a non believer but also very concerned that his mother, an active & obsessed jw is filling his mind with this sort of thing.
alarm bells are ringing in my head because last night was not the first time he said it.
This is exactly what happens to ALL children who are raised as JWs where one of the spouses (their parents) is an unbeliever: the implications are that they will die in Armageddon if they don't ship up before A-Day hits. Whether a single child is told this individually is irrelevant: kids can read between the lines, and the policy of JWs is that ALL non-believers will die forever at Ima Gettin' Outta Here. It's the very reason they go door-to-door, to warn others.
As a kid, I remember my sister of about 8 y.o. absolutely CRYING her eyes out over the fact that her unbelieving Daddy (whom she loved very much, just as any daughter looks up to her Daddy in a special way does) was destined to be killed, as he didn't want to become a JW after one of many conversion attempts by all four of his kids (I was the youngest, so kinda watched: it's kind of hard to come up with very persuasive arguments when you're a 6 y.o.!).
I remember her telling him, "but Daddy, I don't want you to die!" (she was always very emotional, and still is a JW). He wasn't aware of the theology or reason behind why she was crying (and probably still isn't, to this day), and sort of poo-poohed her emotional display, saying, "I'm not going to die...." He knew he WASN'T going to die at Armageddon, since he knew it was non-sense.
So YES, a death threat made to one's parents, however veiled, diffuse, or excused it may be (their response is, "but it's not US saying it, it's what the BIBLE teaches us...") is tantamount to emotional abuse of a child.
But fact is, I'm actually GLAD I was exposed to the JWs, as I learned things from them that I wouldn't have learned anywhere else, eg ability to stand up in public and speak, knock on stranger's doors, love of reading which lead to academic success, the rudiments (note I said "rudiments" of critical thinking: you outgrow it rather quickly), plus the courage to stand up against peer pressure (eg not saluting the flag), exposure to the Bible, etc. So it's not ALL bad, but it needs to be countered with exposure to "worldly" beliefs, too.
And whether he recognizes it or not at this point, YOU are the life-line to his future freedom, happiness and success, as my non-believing father was to me: if not for his input, I never would've had the opportunity to make my own way in this "Worldly" World, and find a life that I never could've dreamed of, if I took the JW path. So remember that YOUR influence will be critically-important: teach that kid to think critically, and the problem will take care of itself.... I feel sorry for kids where BOTH parents are JWs: those poor suckers don't stand a chance....
in proverbs there are several verses on the wisdom.
of using the rod for discipline.
the notion that children.
Entirely Possible said:
I saw a woman beating the shit out of her 8 or 9 months old child this morning. Literally smacking it in the face, yelling at it to shut up, over and over.
As a licensed health-care provider in my State, I am legally-required to report all cases of suspected child abuse to the Child Welfare Agency so they can begin an investigation. The threshold is quite low: I don't need to see abuse while it's happening, or see bruises on the child, etc. Merely having a suspicion of abuse, even just a feeling that something's not quite right means I have to call, OR I AM LIABLE for failure to notify authorities.
It was great that you stood up to her, but that was only a temporary fix: the real solution is to get a name, license plate, anything, etc and then report what you saw to the authorities who's job it is to investigate, even placing the child in temporary protective custody, if need be.
<!-- @page { margin: 0.79in } p { margin-bottom: 0.08in } a:link { so-language: zxx } --> hi everyone:.
i am armageddon messenger, the one that jesus said he would send to tell "you" the things coming.-john 16:12-14. .
as it should be expected, the governing body of jw's are not willing and will not accept me as a "prophet" because according to them, jehovah only communicates trough them.... .
YHWH's on the warpath AGAIN?
I thought He already wiped out mankind in "Armageddon, Take 1" to fix the factory defect discovered in His so-called "perfect" creation (per YHWH, the Flood was needed as if it were a factory recall, as a fix for the problem of "evil thoughts found in the hearts of men"). So he killed everyone in a flood: how well did THAT fix things? Is evil still present? Uh-huh. Yup.
Here's a video where a couple of product-liability lawyers are out to sue God Almighty over His failed recall:
Wait a minute: Harold Camping had a stroke which apparently left him without the ability to speak. Could it be that Armageddon Messenger is actually Harold Camping, who's been forced to shift tactics by posting his Armageddon predictions on-line? Naaaaahhhh.....
PS The guy says he's using a MacBook Pro and running Boot Camp, which is symbolic for his being a fraud: ever wonder why the Apple Computer™ logo is an APPLE? It's forbidden fruit, that's why..... This guy cannot be a representative of the True Messiah™, even if he's running Windows on an Intel chip: everyone knows Jesus was a Windows guy, thru and thru, and running Windows on a MBP under Boot Camp is the epitome of the hardware of a false prophet. :)
this is a serious question.. i know people that hear/feel god (and see postings about people's experiences), but i have not experienced this.
i have never heard anything audibly (or otherwise) nor "felt" anything inwardly.. i've prayed, read, quieted my thoughts, etc...but still nothing..
I LOVE it when xians slip into and out of metaphors/allegories at will, trying to untangle the literary bird's nest known as the Bible.
Take the serpent, in everybody's favorite bedtime story of Adam and Eve: the serpent is literal in the beginning when we're told he was God's craftiest creation; then it speaks, and talking animals stretches anyone's credulity (unless you grew up like me, watching "Mr Ed"). So then it's shift into metaphor mode, and it becomes a proxy for Satan. Great!
Serpent then shifts back into literal snake when their current behavior is explained as the result of God's curse (eg why it travels on the ground, doesn't have limbs, eats dust (which isn't really the case, but who's going to know THAT, aside from field biologists, who are probably evolutionists anyway!)).
Then we bypass figurative and go into the high-gear of prophecy mode, where Gen 3:15 is cited as the first prophecy pointing to the redemption of Jesus ("He will bruise you in the head, they will bruise Eve's offspring in the heel").
Huh, I'd think that last bit actually works taken at face-value, as a literal truth, AKA non-prophecy: if you step on a real-live venomous snake like a rattler, he'll likely will bite you in the foot! But NOPE: if a literary device can be stretched into a prophecy, then so be it.
VERY CONFUSING STUFF: it's wonderful there's so many "inspired, AKA God-breathed" servants willing to help me understand it all!!!
Heh-heh, there's a hilarious video on YouTube by NonStampCollector pointing out the sheer impossibility of Noah's Ark, if only based on the number of species that need to be "saved":
He's also made a deadly-accurate video where a modern-day Xian (who could be a JW) time-travels to Jesus' time just so he can "help" Jesus avoid being misinterpreted:
the drama -- i basically laughed hysterically!
i guess marriages are breaking up left and right within the organization.
a couple got married young.
JW women are saying "I picked a loser, I'm not going to stand for this for the next 20, 30 or 40 years. Better to get out now, even if I am DF'd for a few years, then I can get a new man."
The smarter ones will figure out that if living with this "ideal" mate is such torture now, imagine the prospect of spending AN ETERNITY with this dullard, LOL!
Suddenly, Hades/Gehenna is not looking like such a bad thing (non-existence is better than an eternity spent feeling numb, or never knowing what's like to experience being truly loved).
in proverbs there are several verses on the wisdom.
of using the rod for discipline.
the notion that children.
CE said:
I'm so sick of being told what i don't know. I don't claim to know how to raise kids. I've said before that being a parent must be harder than anything else in the world. But god forbid I disagree with one aspect of raising kids. Suddenly I'm the typical know-it-all teen.
The funny thing is that people need to get a license to drive a car, but does someone want to have children? No classes required, no license, no training, etc. Everyone can do it without having to do absolutely anything else (except possess a pair of gonads, and get busy). Probably why everyone feels entitled to do so, huh? :)
in proverbs there are several verses on the wisdom.
of using the rod for discipline.
the notion that children.
American Indians thought Europeans were strange because they hit their children.
That should've been their first sign to get the Heck out of town, since they were invaded by people who are NUTZ!!! :)
Someone mentioned above how the Bible condones beating a slave for discipline. The actual rule is found in Exodus 21:20, and is pretty complicated:
21:20 And if a man smite his servant, or his maid, with a rod, and he die under his hand; he shall be surely punished.
21:21 Notwithstanding, if he continue a day or two, he shall not be punished: for he is his money.
21:24 Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,
21:25 Burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.
21:26 And if a man smite the eye of his servant, or the eye of his maid, that it perish; he shall let him go free for his eye's sake.
21:27 And if he smite out his manservant's tooth, or his maidservant's tooth; he shall let him go free for his tooth's sake.
So the master has to be careful not to cause slave to lose an eye or tooth, since the slave owner then must set him free, suffering the economic harm.
Also, the slave owner has to be careful not to beat slave to death, for that's considered manslaughter. However, the law acknowledges that if the slave is beaten and manages to hang on to dear life for a "day or two", then the master is NOT charged with manslaughter and is off the hook, since they get the presumption of innocence that the slave MAY have died from ANOTHER cause (eg they died of "old age" a day later: the beating had NOTHING to do with it. Just a coincidence, folks; move along...). Besides, the loss of the slave as property at the master's own hand was considered punishment enough ("for (the slave) is golden, worth some $$"). .
So I can see it now: the slave is jumping around to try and align the blows of the master's rod to knock out a tooth or eye and gain his freedom, but the master is trying to land blows on fleshy areas. And if the slave is beaten unconscious, the master suddenly must administer CPR sufficient to at least keep the slave alive for a day or two to avoid manslaughter charges.
So there's your Biblical morality in action, folks: has any believer who says, "YHWH is the moral law-giver" even bothered to actually READ any of this stuff?
this is a serious question.. i know people that hear/feel god (and see postings about people's experiences), but i have not experienced this.
i have never heard anything audibly (or otherwise) nor "felt" anything inwardly.. i've prayed, read, quieted my thoughts, etc...but still nothing..
myelaine said this:
God created animals for us to tend and was man's downfall that led to the need for the sacrificial offerings that were portrayed in the OT. God's judgement necessitated a life for a life and because His more important and valuable to Him, He chose an animal life as a propitiation for the sins of the hebrew put the life of an animal on par with the life of a human is pagan...
One things for sure: whenever YHWH is in Da' House, someone or something is going to be bleeding!
It's great that YHWH made so many different types of animals, for our sheer entertainment, huh? Esp. all those "unclean animals", useless for animal sacrifices: how gracious for YHWH to provide those SHEERLY for entertainment purposes, being unfit for either human or Godly consumption!
As you know, per your own JW beliefs, animals were originally created, NOT for human consumption: God didn't give permission for men to eat animal flesh until AFTER the Flood. Up until then, animals were used primarily for sacrifice (1st-recorded sacrifice is that of Cain and Abel), and not to be eaten.
After the Flood, God decided not to bogart any longer, and share the good grub with mankind (God loves him the smell of tasty BBQ, apparently; burning the fat allowed the fumes to ascend upwards to the heavens, so he could "eat" the fumes)! This is quite similar to beliefs of other ancient cultures (Babylonians, Akkadians, etc) which existed 1,000s of years before, eg Epic of Gilgamesh depicts their Gods as "buzzing around like flies" at the BBQ.
Anyway, the premise underlying the instructions of killing of animals for eating was that the very act constituted the taking the life of the animal; that was considered a sin, in-and-of itself. The roots of this are seen in Noah's account after the Flood, where the blood is not to be eaten, but must be spilled onto the ground (at an altar that Noah built after the Flood). Why? Like their neighbors, Hebrews believed that the very life-force (Hebrew word is nephesh) of mortals resides in the blood (amongst other locations), and it needed to be released back "to the wild". That thinking is reflected in the prohibition against eating an animal that died from strangulation: it's life force hasn't been released, but was thought to have gotten trapped in the flesh after death.
In fact, until the Temple monopoly was lifted (well, required, after repeated destruction of the Temple), it was the very gravest of sins against the Land (on par with murder, idolatry, etc) to kill an animal, whether for purposes of eating or otherwise, away from the Temple for ANY purpose; doing so rendered the entire land as unclean, and hence ALL the inhabitants were subject to be "vomited" from it.
Animals to be eaten were to be slaughtered by the preistly class, only, at the Temple site, in accord with established rituals; only then was the food considered cleansed of the sin, and allowed to be eaten. (There are other ritualistic uses of animal sacrifice (eg guilt offerings, "wellness" offerings), but that's a bit OT). That's the letter of the law, as recorded in your Bible in Leviticus (and actual practices need to be questioned with a HUGE grain of salt, due to the wild impracticality).
BTW, notice the entire view of animals as disposable beings permeates the ENTIRE Bible, and has been used as justification for many inhumane acts against animals in the name of God: it's a very anthropocentric (man-centered) view! Ask PETA about the humaneness of animal sacrifice, and don't be surprised if you get an icy stare.
BTW, did you notice that in Gen 3:1 that God bears some of the responsibility for the Fall? "The serpent was more crafty than any of the wild animals the LORD God had made." Why did God make the serpent so crafty such that it would cause A&E to sin? Oh, wait, I know: the serpent wasn't literally a serpent, but represents Satan. He actually hijacked the serpent and used it's body as a costume, right?
So why did God CURSE the serpent and it's offspring to crawl on the ground, have humans be afraid of it, and eat dust (hint: that also was an ancient misbelief: animal behaviorists know snakes don't "eat dirt"). Get my point? Why should the animal who had it's body possessed by Satan be CURSED for being possessed? I know, it wouldn't be the first time the Bible takes up with blaming the victim (such as young girls who get raped by the brothers of their Canaanite friends, etc).
(PS the word in Gen 3:1 that is translated as "crafty" is " ‘a·rum", and occurs 7 times in the Bible. In 5 of those cases, it is translated as "prudent", one time as "sensible", and in this case, as "crafty". Those words mean VASTLY DIFFERENT THINGS, and carry very different connotations! That alone should point out the errancy of "translation" from a language with multiple definitions of words, no vowels, and no punctuation marks! The process of "Bible translation" should more accurately be called "Bible authoring", since which words are chosen can modify the entire meaning of a story.)
Fact is, the entire book of Genesis is an old creation myth, rich in symbolism that has been long-lost on most modern readers (eg the symbolism of touching the fruit, meanings of the fruit, even the choice of a serpent, carries meanings, etc). To argue for it's literality, it's historicity, is absolute non-sense in this day and age. The Adam and Eve story is one designed to reinforce why following rules to the tee is important: don't you think such a story might be good opener for a book containing Levitical laws?
The Bible is book of rules that served it's purpose to the culture that wrote it, but it's "fresh by" date has long-since passed: to think it has any relevance to provide guidance to modern people is absolutely nutso....